Get separate Material IDs from a .g32 file

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Barbara Planas

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Get separate Material IDs from a .g32 file
« on: May 27, 2021, 04:57:50 PM »
When I run Identify Fibers (AI) of FiberFind, I get the identified fibers in a *.g32 file that I can visualize. The fibers appear in many different colors.
However, the Material Legend only shows one Material ID (Solid), besides the material ID of the pore space.How can I get this model saved as *.gdt file with all the materials that I see as different colors in the *.g32 appearing as different Material ID?
Thank you!



Aaron Widera

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Re: Get separate Material IDs from a .g32 file
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2021, 05:13:28 PM »
Hello Barbara,
first of all welcome to the forum and have a good time here!

You can use our ImportGeo-Base module for that. You can load the .g32 file with it and then you have it in different material IDs. This structure can then save as .gdt file.
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