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Topics - Erik Glatt

Pages: [1]
CT, µCT and FIB-SEM / Automatically rotate CT-scans to be in the XY-plane
« on: November 14, 2023, 10:11:08 AM »
Hello M2M team,

I have a CT-scan of a GDL, but the geometry is not aligned with the global coordinate system in GeoDict (XYZ).
To perform now an accurate flow simulation I need the GDL to be in the XY-plane.
Is there a simple way in the GeoDict image processing to automatically rotate the GDL in the described way?

Best regards,

CT, µCT and FIB-SEM / Labeling for AI segmentation
« on: November 14, 2023, 09:46:54 AM »
I try to use the AI segmentation for gray-value images. Here I would like an easier way to label my images.

Here I have two ideas:
1. use a pre-segmentation with a global threshold to set some labels e.g. for pores
2. have a kind of magic wand labeling which makes it easier to set labels for a group of voxels.

Is this possible with GeoDict.

Best regards,

Pages: [1]