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Messages - Liping Cheng

Pages: [1]
Hi Johannes,

Yes, it is possible to change the particle size in visualization. The "Particles" tab in View Controls becomes visible after you load particles. Go under this tab and choose "Custom" for "Particles" and click "Edit Custom" to open the Custom Particle Selection dialog. "Add Selection" in the dialog, then expand the "Visualization" settings, you'll see the option of "Diameter Factor" that you can change the particle size. The more details can also be found in the section of "Custom visualization of particles" of FilterDict User Guide.


Surface charge:
  The electric charges are constrained on this 2-D surface, and surface charge density, measured in coulombs per square meter (C/m^2), is used to describe the charge distribution on the surface.

Zeta potential:
Zeta potential is the electrical potential at the slipping plane. The Grahame equation expresses the relation between surface charge and surface potential:
σ = Ɛ · Ɛ0 · Ψ0 / λ_d where Ɛ and Ɛ0 are the dielectric constants of two phases and λ_d is Debye distance up to which the ions get adsorbed on to the surface to meet the bulk liquid called the slipping plane where Ψ0 decreases to the value called Zeta potential so that above relation becomes:
σ = Ɛ · Ɛ0 · ζ / λ_d

Here are the links for your reference:,one%2C%20two%20or%20three%20dimensions.

Pages: [1]