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Messages - Sebastian Rief

Pages: [1]
Structural Material Modeling and Analysis / Re: Non-crimp farbic
« on: June 07, 2021, 04:37:46 PM »
Hi Martina,
The easiest way to create non-crimp fabrics is to use the predefined option "LamiGeo (Create Laminates)" in FiberGeo (find it under FiberGeo --> Predefined, or alternatively under GeoApp --> Module Predefined --> FiberGeo. With LamiGeo, laminates can be created with a simple graphical user interface.

If you want to create more complicated non-crimp fabrics (or generally layered structures), first create the layers (e.g. with FiberGeo) and attach them with LayerGeo --> Attach.

Hi Martina,
I think we need to clarify your question a bit:
  • Infinite fibers cannot be generated in a periodic domain, since they would then cross the domain infinitely often. Imagine an endless fiber which lays slightly skewed in the domain: If you add periodicity, it would probably fill the entire domain. If you try to do so, the error message "Infinite fibers cannot be generated in periodic domain." is shown and the structure generation is stopped.
  • The message which you mention, "A short fiber of maximal size might overlap with itself in a periodic domain. Do you still want to create the geometry?", appears in another context. It is shown if you try to generate a periodic structure with fibers which are longer than the shortest domain side. This is just a warning message, not an error message: You can still create the structure, if you want to do so (Just click OK). It should only make you aware of the fact that fibers might overlap themselves.

Hi Martina,
In general, all structures in GeoDict are voxel structures. Additionally, structures created by GeoDict's structure generators (Geo-modules) also contain an analytic description based on objects (e.g. fibers or grains). These objects are sometimes called GAD-objects (short for "GeoDict Analytic Data"). One of the advantages of GAD-objects is that they can be edited later on: For example, a fiber can be rotated, shifted, its diameter can be changed or it can be deleted from the structure.

FeelMath-VOX computes the effective elastic properties for a given structure, while FeelMath-LD is used to compute deformations. Thus, FeelMath-VOX simulations are purely linear, while LD supports nonlinear materials (e.g. plasticity, damage, failure) and geometrically nonlinear deformations.

Hi Tabea,

With "on deformed geometry...", the resulting geometry of each deformation step is used as basis for the next step. In contrast, when "on deformed geometry..." is disabled, the original geometry is used as basis for each deformation step. "On deformed geometry..." can be understood as an iterative approach to consider nonlinear deformations. It must be used if new contacts occur and is useful for simulations where the geometry change is important.

Property prediction (-Dict modules) / Re: Plastic deformation
« on: June 07, 2021, 03:21:28 PM »
Hi Martina,
In FeelMath-LD, both linear and nonlinear problems can be solved. GeoDict contains material laws for plasticity, damage and failure which can be configured in the Material Database dialog. Additonally, user-defined material laws can be programmed as UMATs.

Hi Tabea,
In GeoDict, simulation results are saved automatically. The result file (*.gdr) contains the results, while the folder with the same name contains all corresponding files. The result file and result folder contain all necessary information to reproduce your simulations later.

Hi Tabea,
The easiest way to achieve this in GeoDict is by using LayerGeo --> Attach (LayerGeo is contained in every GeoDict license). If the fabric layers were created with GeoDict, we recommend to set the Geometry Mode to "Analytic Geometry (gad)" to keep the object information.
Best regards,Sebastian

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