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Messages - Anne Blumer

Pages: [1]

thanks for posting this interesting question.
There are two settings in the Capillary Pressure options dialog that influence the final saturation of a structure.

1. In the Solver Parameters tab, check if Stop at Saturation is enabled.
This causes the simulation to stop if the entered saturation of the invading fluid is reached.
Solution: disable the option Stop at Saturation

2. In the Saturation Experiment tab, check if Displaced Fluid can leave a Residual is enabled.
With this option the displaced fluid that is not connected to the displaced fluid outlet stays inside the structure and leaves a residual.
Thus, the pore space cannot be completely filled with the invading fluid.
Is it desired to allow for the displaced fluid to leave a residual?
If not, the easiest solution is to disable the option Displaced Fluid can leave a Residual
If yes, changing the boundary conditions of the domain can improve the final saturation. Set Symmetric boundaries to Displaced Fluid Outlet. Then, the displaced fluid connected to these domain boundaries can leave the structure and reduces the remaining residual.

Does this help you?
Best regards

Dear Fabiane Gommes,

you say that the Lay Length (or Length of Lay as it is called in GeoDict) has to be a multiple of the unit cell length. This is not correct. In the WeaveGeo User Guide it is stated the other way around.
When setting Length of Lay to the length of the unit cell, exactly one twist (360° rotation) of the thread is performed inside the unit cell. If the unit cell is, e.g., four times larger than the Length of Lay, then four full rotations are performed. The reason behind is, that the resulting structure in the unit cell must be periodically.

However, it is possible to enter a lay length that is larger than the unit cell length. Then, only a part of the full 360° rotation is done in the unit cell. But it depends on the geometry of the thread and its filaments which values for Length of Lay are allowed to get periodic weaves. For example, for a 1x4 rope 90° rotations are allowed, which means you can enter a lay length that is four times the unit cell length.
If a Length of Lay is entered that does not fit to an allowed rotation, the value is corrected to next feasible value. Then a warning message pops up, which I think you have received.

So, in your case, I suppose you entered a value that does not lead to a periodic structure. What you can do to find feasible values is to first create the thread without twist and see the basic geometry (how the filaments are arranged). Then you can identify which rotations lead to a periodic structure and in this way can derive feasible inputs for Length of Lay.

Attached to this post please find some slides which explain the use of Length of Lay. They also contain an example for a 1x19 rope.
Please note that in the current GeoDict version (Service Pack 3) there is a bug with the 1x19 and 7x19 rope types, where wrong rotations are allowed. This bug is already fixed and will be available with Service Pack 4 that will be released in the next weeks.

Best regards,

Dear Fabiane Gommes,

in WeaveGeo there exists another possible thread type which is called "Custom Multifil". Here you can create thread types that are not predefined in GeoDict.
The menu is structured hierarchically, so you first set the parameters of the whole thread.
Since your thread is composed of two multifilament yarns the child count of the first layer is set to two.
For each of these yarns you can separately define the number of filaments by adjusting the child count for the yarns on this layer.
In the attachment you can find an example screenshot, where the thread is composed of two multifilament yarns and each yarn has 3 filaments.

More details can be found in the WeaveGeo User Guide ( on page 17ff.
I hope this helps you to generate the yarn you need.

Best regards,

Property prediction (-Dict modules) / Re: Memory Requirements in AddiDict
« on: September 05, 2023, 04:33:32 PM »
Yes, you are right, but you can do the following:
In the ProcessGeo module, select the Permute submenu and click Edit. Then, select Permute and choose the X->Y->Z->X option.
Click OK and then permute. Now what used to be the Y-direction has turned into Z, while maintaining the orientation of the sample.
You can then Save and Rename the structure on your disk so that you remember this fact.
Then run AddiDict to get results on the original Y-direction.
To run AddiDict on the original X-direction, hit permute again and repeat the procedure.

Best regards,

You can decrease the necessary memory by reducing the data written to the particle trajectories file.
For a simple breakthrough curve, it is sufficient to write only the minimal information to file and thus reduce memory requirements.
You can adjust the particle trajectory data in the output parameters tab and set the “Trajectory File Accuracy” to “Minimal”.

Best regards,

Hi andrefeliperav,
GeoDict still works with only cubic voxels, but there is another way to cope with your struggles. The basic idea is to put some solid material around the cylindrical image part. To achieve this there exist two different ways in GeoDict with slightly different results. Depending on your further analysis you can choose which is best suitable for you. Both methods are described in detail in the PowerPoint Slides attached to this post.
I hope this will help you. If you have any more questions, please ask again.
Best regards,Anne

you can find the minimal system requirements and more details on our website
For an efficient use of the BatteryDict module it might be helpful to have even more powerful technical resources. See the attached file for an overview of what we recommend.
Kind regards,Anne

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