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Messages - Ilona Glatt

Pages: [1]
Adding binder to only one material ID in a structure with several material IDs is possible, when you use several steps to do so.
The easiest way I can think of at the moment is:

1. Save the material ID you want to add binder to (say ID 01, NMC e.g.), in a separate file. This can be done by reassigning all the other material to be pore (usually ID 00) and saving the resulting structure as "onlyNMC.gdt" or any other new name. 
2. Start again with the original structure, reassign the NMC to be pore and save the resulting structure again with a new name, e.g. "alltheothermaterials.gdt".
3. Load the structure "onlyNMC.gdt" and add the binder.
4. Use LayerGeo (in Model-Tab) and use Add to add the structure "alltheothermaterials.gdt" to your current structure.

The result will be your original battery-cell structure, but with binder added to the NMC.

Alternatively you could assemble your battery cell after creating the cathode including the binder.

Yes. That was very clear, thank you!

when I calculate the relative diffusivity, I get a complete matrix as a result. Can someone explain the meaning of the off-diagonal entries?

Fuel Cells and Electrolysers / Re: Intrinsic property simulation
« on: June 08, 2021, 09:58:16 AM »

Hi Robin,
to enter an intrinsic porosity of a material phase into a diffusivity simulation, use the Simulate Diffusion Experiment -option.
In the Edit-menu you can now enter the effective values either in terms of effective diffusivity or in terms of effective porosity and tortuosity.
Together with the material parameters of the other material phases, GeoDict can thus calculate the resulting diffusivity for the entire structure.


In experiments the effective cell capacity of a battery cell in dependency of the charge rate is a very important quantity.
How can I get the same quantity using BatteryDict?

When I run a charging simulation in BatteryDict the cell capacity in the result file is independent of the charge rate. In an experiment, the charge rate does influence the effective cell capacity. Can someone please help me sort out this apparent contradiction?

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