Basic functionality and features (GeoDict Base Package) / Re: Optimization with GeoPy using Young Modulus
« on: September 11, 2023, 03:04:16 PM »
Dear Fabiane,
in order to access a gdr from GeoPy you first have to parse the gdr:
in order to access a gdr from GeoPy you first have to parse the gdr:
Code: [Select]
import stringmap
gdr = stringmap.parseGDR("PathToGDRFile")
When the gdr was parsed you then can access the information for example the young's modulus:Code: [Select]
young_modulus = gdr.getDouble('ResultMap:Strain:Isotropic:YoungModulus')
Further details can be found in our GeoPy User Guide https://www.math2market.com/fileadmin/UserGuide/GeoDict2023/Automation2023.pdf on page 70