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Messages - hilden

Pages: [1]
Hi Mark,

reassigning only a part of a material should be possible with GeoPy, but not directly from the GUI. But did you try to crop each material and embed it again, after having them split by the app or an own GeoPy script? Then adding them together with LayerGeo Add, as suggested before? You could even use a table variable to set the cropping values as needed. I think, this is the easiest way for the task at the moment. So maybe step after step:

1. split the structure in it's materials, e.g. for a structure with 2 solid materials, split the structure in two structures, one only containing material 1 and one only containing material 2. This can be done by reassigning the other materials to the pore material and saving the structure afterwards.
2. If for example only material 1 should be clipped, crop the structure only containing material 1 and embed it afterwards with pore material to obtain the same domain size as before.
3. Use the module LayerGeo Add to add the differently cropped materials together.

You can script all these steps in a GeoPy script and set a variable of type table, as explained in the GeoPy scripting User Guide on page 46. Then, you can define the cropping values for each material.

Best regards,

Hi Mark,

right away from the GUI it is currently not possible. But there could be other possibilities.

The Easy Image GeoApp can do a similar thing. There is an option called Split Structure by Materials. This splits the materials into different structures and adds them together again but shifted. This app can be found under GeoApp -> General -> Report & Image ->Easy Image. The parameter options open after clicking Run. For Image Presets select Split Structure by Material. There is also a YouTube tutorial for this feature The tutorial is done with GeoDict 2020. Thus, the app is located in another place, but the functionality did not change much.

You could use the resulting structure parts and crop them as needed and add them again afterwards with LayerGeo - Add. If you need this often, you can write a GeoPy script for this task.

Best regards,


yes, there is. The values can be found in the Resultmap. Thus, you can access them from Python via the stringmap package. Find a detailed description for the stringmap options in the GeoPy Scripting User Guide on page 81 ( Below find an example how the file with the saturation closest to 0.5 can be found.

Code: [Select]
import stringmap

gdr = stringmap.parseGDR("CapillaryPressureResult.gdr")
saturationlist = gdr.getList("SaturationInvading")

def getSaturationIndex(saturationvalue):
  saturationdifference = 1
  for saturation in saturationlist:
    diff = abs(saturationvalue-float(saturation))
    if diff < saturationdifference:
      saturationindex = saturationlist.index(saturation)
  return saturationindex
file = f"CapillaryPressureResult/Step_{getSaturationIndex(0.5):06}.gdt"

Hello Mark,

you can change the result file from Python after the generation using the stringmap package. This package is described in the GeoPy scripting User Guide in the chapter "Access to GeoDict result files (*.gdr)" on page 81.

I give you a short example code to change the description in the metadata tab of a FlowDict result viewer:

Code: [Select]
import stringmap
gdr['Description']='some text\n'+GDR_Description

Find the needed keys for the result part to change by printing the gdr in the console
Code: [Select]
Best regards,

CT, µCT and FIB-SEM / Re: Labeling for AI segmentation
« on: November 29, 2023, 03:29:05 PM »
Hi Erik,

  • It is possible by using a GeoPy script. Attached find a script that labels the given gray value ranges with the according IDs. To run the script, the gray value image should be loaded in the Image Processing dialog. From the main GeoDict window select Macro - Execute Macro/Script and browse for the script. Click on Parameters to assign material IDs to value ranges in a table. Afterwards click Run to generate an AI-label file (*.gld). Load this file in the Image Processing dialog by clicking Load Labels and browsing for the file. To learn more about automation by scripting in GeoDict, refer to the GeoPy scripting User Guide:
  • Good news for you: With the new GeoDict 2024 release coming soon, a new feature is available. The "Magic Brush" analyzes the scan on clusters recognizing edges. Then, labels can be created by simply selecting these clusters.

Best regards,

Hello Erik,

Yes, there is. In the 3D Image Processing dialog under the Image Processing tab unfold Image Alignment and then Rotation. Select Automatic Rotation and choose Plane from the Automation Mode pull-down menu. When clicking apply the image is automatically aligned with two major axes. If you want to see a preview of the automatic rotation first, you can just click Suggest - Plane and observe the rotation overlay in the 2D visualization of your scan on the right.

Best regards,

Analysis (-Find modules) / Re: Number of overlap points and angles
« on: August 31, 2023, 09:42:19 AM »
Hi Elise,

the number of overlap points you can obtain with MatDict -> GAD Objects Analysis -> Analyze Objects. The Results-Report tab in the Result Viewer shows the Number of Overlap Objects.

To analyze only one overlap object, you could for example right-click in the structure in an overlap region. The context menu offers the possibility to Select GAD objects. Use the first option to select all GAD-objects in this point. Then on the right open the GAD Object Selection tab from the side bar. Click Edit Objects and obtain the direction (orientation) from all of the fibers.

Finding all angles could be automated in a Python script. How exactly should the result look like? Something like a table with the overlap indices in one column and the angles for each of these overlap objects in the right column? If there are more than two fibers crossing, should each angle between every combination of the fibers be given? Or do you need only the orientations of all the fibers in the different points?

Best regards,

Analysis (-Find modules) / Re: GeoDict-AI
« on: January 23, 2023, 12:28:14 PM »
Dear Ziho,

Yes, this is possible. You only need to create the same folder structure as Create Training Data would generate.

  • Create an empty folder with a meaningful name.
  • Inside create the folder Train. If needed also a folder Test can be created for the Validate Performance feature.
  • Inside the Train folder create as many folders as you have training data, named as desired for example in counting numbers starting with 0 as is done by the Create Training Data feature.
  • Inside each of these subfolders place an input.gdt and an output.gdt file. The input.gdt must have only two IDs (ID00 Pore and ID01 Solid) and output.gdt three ( ID00 Pore, ID01 Grains and ID02 Binder)
I hope, my answer helped you.
Best regards, Janine

Dear Ziho,
  • The number of needed training structures depends on how difficult it is to identify the target material in the structures. For very simple cases or for testing purposes 10 training structures are good. For more difficult parameter combinations 100 or more training structures can be needed.
  • The parameter range depends on the structures that should be analyzed by the network later.

    I hope, my answer helped you.
Best regards, Janine

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