Yarn construction composed of two multifilament yarns

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Yarn construction composed of two multifilament yarns
« on: September 01, 2023, 02:50:00 PM »

I need to create a yarn that is composed of two multifilament yarns. It is also known as multifilament combined yarn.

But for this construction I only see two options:
• Create a non-combined multifilament yarn using the “Ramdom Multifil” tool (WeaveGeo);
• Create a combined yarn composed of monofilament yarns using the “Rope” tool (WeaveGeo).

None of the options above represent my thread, so can you let me know if there is another option to achieve the desired thread?


Anne Blumer

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Re: Yarn construction composed of two multifilament yarns
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2023, 01:47:56 PM »
Dear Fabiane Gommes,

in WeaveGeo there exists another possible thread type which is called "Custom Multifil". Here you can create thread types that are not predefined in GeoDict.
The menu is structured hierarchically, so you first set the parameters of the whole thread.
Since your thread is composed of two multifilament yarns the child count of the first layer is set to two.
For each of these yarns you can separately define the number of filaments by adjusting the child count for the yarns on this layer.
In the attachment you can find an example screenshot, where the thread is composed of two multifilament yarns and each yarn has 3 filaments.

More details can be found in the WeaveGeo User Guide (https://www.math2market.com/fileadmin/UserGuide/GeoDict2023/WeaveGeo2023.pdf) on page 17ff.
I hope this helps you to generate the yarn you need.

Best regards,



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Re: Yarn construction composed of two multifilament yarns
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2023, 02:32:30 PM »
Perfect, thank you very much