Thank you for explaining.
I think then I have a solution for you.
The first step is optional: Use "Model" -> "GadGeo" -> "Algorithms" -> "Cut Fibers to Domain". This cuts the infinite fibers to the domain and makes sure, that only fibers with an start or endpoint are inside of the structure.
As I said this is optional, depending on whether you would like to also have fibers without a start or endpoint in the structure or not.
- Use "Analyze" -> "MatDict" -> "GAD Object Analysis" -> "Analyze Objects" and click "Edit"
- Go to the "Analyze Options" tab and choose your settings
- Important to keep the "Volume" option for your case and click "OK" and "Run"
This gives you a result file with a plot like that:

You also have other options for the x and y axis, for example choosing cumulative distributions or relative volume distributions.
Is such a plot what you are looking for to determine if the domain is suitable?