Error during generation of endless fibers

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Martina Hümbert

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Error during generation of endless fibers
« on: June 01, 2021, 11:50:59 AM »
I want to generate endless fibers in FiberGeo but GeoDIct gives the following error message: "A short fiber of maximal size might overlap with itself in a periodic domain." what do I have to do?


Sebastian Rief

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Re: Error during generation of endless fibers
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2021, 04:12:34 PM »
Hi Martina,
I think we need to clarify your question a bit:
  • Infinite fibers cannot be generated in a periodic domain, since they would then cross the domain infinitely often. Imagine an endless fiber which lays slightly skewed in the domain: If you add periodicity, it would probably fill the entire domain. If you try to do so, the error message "Infinite fibers cannot be generated in periodic domain." is shown and the structure generation is stopped.
  • The message which you mention, "A short fiber of maximal size might overlap with itself in a periodic domain. Do you still want to create the geometry?", appears in another context. It is shown if you try to generate a periodic structure with fibers which are longer than the shortest domain side. This is just a warning message, not an error message: You can still create the structure, if you want to do so (Just click OK). It should only make you aware of the fact that fibers might overlap themselves.