Hi Danny,
Boundary Conditions in Flow Direction define how the flow enters and leaves your structure depending on the chosen flow directions.
Periodic boundary condition repeats the structure periodically before the inflow and after the outflow plane. In the example shown below this option does not work since there is no connected flow path. This option works best for periodic structures and structures with high porosity. We recommend using periodic boundary condition when possible, as the computational memory requirements are comparatively low leading to shorter runtimes.

Symmetric boundary condition mirrors the structure at the inflow and outflow plane. This option works well for low porosity structures because the pores remain connected due to the mirroring.

Velocity inlet, Pressure outlet boundary conditions apply a constant flow velocity in the inlet and a constant pressure drop in the outlet.

All the options described above do not change the thickness of your model. The option
Add implicit region adds voxel before the inflow plane and after the outflow plane. This option changes the thickness of the structure and influences the final simulation result.

I hope this clarifies your question.
Please let me know if anything is unclear or if you have any further questions.
Kind regards,